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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Blog Theme(s)!!

I think that I have finally come to the same conclusion I had when I first started the blog (not the conclusion that I can’t do it but still need to): I can’t write about one topic. I’ve decided to try blogging twice a week on Day 3 and Day 6 or 7 (Tuesday and Friday or Saturday)…and I’m going to write about reading/writing and evangelism/discipleship. Confused? Yeah, it doesn’t make much sense. Onto the explanation!

Here’s a nifty diagram/schedule for a month:

Day 3, week one: Reading
Day 6 or 7, week one: Evangelism

Day 3, week two: Writing
Day 6 or 7, week two: Discipleship

Day 3, week three: Reading
Day 6 or 7, week three: Evangelism

Day 3, week four: Writing
Day 6 or 7, week four: Discipleship

Reading segments will cover things like: current interests; rants, raves, and suggestions; and reading with a writer’s eye.

Writing segments will cover things like: writing tips, quandaries, and joys;  researching; and the everyday life of a writer (or would-be writer).

Evangelism segments will cover topics ranging from helping out your community to learning about and helping those across the world…reaching people for Christ…learning about the impact of culture, etc. (Btw, I majored in Cross-Cultural Studies. My minors were Philosophy and Youth Ministry…and I studied TESOL extensively…so while I may not have a PhD or a Masters, I do have a basic grasp of E&D and first-hand experience, too. ^_^)

Discipleship segments will cover topics ranging from what is a disciple to personal devotional life (yours and mine, if you have one or are interested in developing one) to external evidences of that life. Clear as mud, right? K.

Evangelism will focus on the outside world—other people, countries, beliefs. Discipleship will focus on the individual—the inner life impacting the outside, soul nourishment, and beliefs.

If you want a more clear-cut illustration of the difference between Evangelism and Discipleship, it would be best if you just read the two posts and compared them. Not helpful, I know. Sorry. It’s the best I’ve got.

Blogging officially :)

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